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Two poems translated into English and published on Volume Poetry: artichoke hearts, by Valeska Torres, plus an interview with the author; Poem From Back To Front, by Ana Martins Marques, alongside a translator's note


3rd place in the Stephen Spender Prize for the collective translation led by Alison Entrekin of the unnamed poem "I am in today as if on a horse", by Ana Martins Marques.

Publication of What Do I Know? and Japanese Garden, original poems by Ana Martins Marques, on World Literature Today online, from the University of Oklahoma, one of the oldest literary magazines in the United States.


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Spanish version of the book Visualidades, Educación y Cambios Culturales, published in 2021 by Ayvu Editora in a partnership between Faperj and Grupo Cace - UniRio. Book organized by Adriana Hoffman, Rosiane Dourado and Raquel Barros.

Other Translations


Example from Larm Brazil's website, translated from English into Portuguese.

About Us LARM (Latin American Relocation Management) is a leader in global mobility, providing dedicated support and custom solutions for people and businesses. For over 25 years, we have been the first choice for corporate clients seeking expert assistance as they relocate to, from and around Latin America and the Caribbean. With LARM, customers know they have ease, efficiency, and experience on their side. We pride ourselves on being professional, cost-effective, and comprehensive in our approach to relocation support.

Quem Somos A LARM (Latin American Relocation Management) é líder em mobilidade global, fornecendo suporte dedicado e soluções personalizadas para pessoas e empresas. Há mais de 25 anos, somos a escolha número um para clientes corporativos que buscam assistência especializada quando se deslocam para, da e ao redor da América Latina e do Caribe. Com a LARM, os clientes sabem que têm facilidade, eficiência e experiência ao seu lado. Temos orgulho de sermos profissionais, abrangentes e de oferecer ótimo custo-benefício em nossa estratégia de suporte ao relocation.


Example from the article Selection and Development of Polyamide Hose Extrusion Tooling Using Process Capability Analysis, translated from Portuguese into English, published in the International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management.

1. INTRODUÇÃO O primeiro processo de extrusão registrado foi em 1797 quando Joseph Bramah fabricou tubos de chumbo. O processo consistia no pré aquecimento do metal, posteriormente em uma matriz com um êmbolo. Anos mais tarde, no século XIX, um sistema semelhante, com um sistema de rosca e alta temperatura, fez com que materiais plásticos e borrachas pudessem percorrer um caminho, desta maneira surgia a extrusão de termoplásticos. (GARCÍA-LEÓN; BOHORQUEZ-NIÑO; BARBOSA-PAREDES, 2019).

1. INTRODUCTION The first extrusion process on record was in 1797, when Joseph Bramah manufactured lead pipes. The process consisted of pre-heating the metal, then heating in a die with a piston. Years later, in the 19th century, a similar system with a screw system and high temperature meant that plastic materials and rubbers could travel a path, this is how the extrusion of thermoplastics came about (García-León; Bohorquez-Niño, Barbosa-Paredes, 2019).


Example from the text for the exhibition Maracatu Rural - The Magic of Cane Fields, promoted by Sesi-SP, translated from Portuguese into English.

TEXTO 1 É absolutamente inacreditável que um brinquedo de origem indígena tenha se formado no início do século XX, nos canaviais da Zona da Mata Norte, em Pernambuco, região que viu, desde o início, a constante eliminação da população primitiva que ocupava aquelas terras. Esse folguedo assume as características de festa indígena, festa dos nativos das terras brasileiras, festa daqueles que foram perseguidos e escolhidos para deixar de existir.

TEXT 1 It’s absolutely incredible that a toy of indigenous origin was formed at the beginning of the 20th century, in the sugar cane fields of Zona da Mata Norte, in Pernambuco, a region that saw, from the beginning, the constant elimination of the primitive population that occupied those lands. This folguedo takes on the characteristics of indigenous festivities, festivities of the natives of Brazilian lands, a festival of those who were persecuted and chosen to cease to exist.


Example from the text for a medical congress, translated from Portuguese into Spanish.

Prepare-se para viver dias mágicos na Ilha de Santa Catarina! 31º Congresso de Cirurgia Oculoplástica e 10º Congresso Internacional de Estética Periocular 06 a 08 de junho de 2024 Reserve seu lugar aqui 06 a 08 de junho de 2024 Acesse o site e faça sua inscrição

¡Prepárese para vivir días mágicos en la Isla de Santa Catarina! 31º Congreso de Cirugía Oculoplástica y 10º Congreso Internacional de Estética Periocular 06 a 08 Junio 2024 Reserve su plaza aquí 06 a 08 Junio 2024 Acceda al sitio web e inscríbase



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O Que o Pão Me Deu (2023)

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